I grew up with three brothers -- I am the oldest, and the four of us are less than six years apart. My mom was very wise in preparing us for the real world. She knew that we were not going to move from her house to our wife's, so she made sure we were all pretty much self-sufficient before we headed off to college. She taught us the basics of cooking and doing our own laundry. It wasn't until I had my own apartment that I realized there really was no such thing as a self-cleaning bathtub.
So, like my brothers, I learned to hold my own in the kitchen. For me, however, food has become a passion -- I enjoy eating, but I also enjoy cooking and experimenting with flavors and techniques.
My mom insisted on a family meal, at least once a week. We were all active throughout the week with school, or sports, or social activities. But it was instilled in us early that Friday night was family night. If we were to make plans, it had to be after we had sat down together over a nice, leisurely meal.
I was educated as an engineer, but I believe I have always had a calling for teaching. For more than 28 years, I have been a college professor, which allows me to meld my education and my vocation. I tend to have an analytical approach to cooking with the vision and organization of a manager. But as a teacher, I also like sharing my experiences with others. My profession also gives me some flexibility to be available to my family and to prepare most weekend and holiday meals, as well as some meals during the week.
Caryl, my bashert, my best friend for over twenty years, was educated in communication, but has a passion for creative arts. She often says that I am the black-and-white to her gray. I am happy that she shares my passion for food, and also grateful that she generally prefers that I am the one doing the preparation. Together, we realize that food is one of the ties that binds together our family.
We have two teenage kids -- Pamela and Joshua. Both have shared in our adventures, and have themselves developed pretty sophisticated palates. They also can hold their own in the kitchen, and I am confident that they will be self-sufficient in this area when they leave for college.
So, my family upbringing taught me the importance of sharing a meal with the family, and my mom gave me the preparation to carry on that tradition. My education and profession gave me the skill to experiment with new flavors. And my family supports my passion. What could be better!
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